WAM Planer und Ingenieure AG Planer und Ingenieure AG


Burgdorf, extension district heating network «Einschlag»

Rohrschweisser in Extremlage...
Rohrschweisser in Extremlage...

District heating for local businesses

In the spring of 2009 the reconstruction works of Brunnmattstrasse and Einschlagweg in Burgdorf were started. During the reconstruction work, the idea of supplying and heating district heating plants located in the northern section by means of district heating has been developed. After clarifying the interests of the companies as well as a cost-benefit calculation by the Localnet AG, the district heating network could be developed and realised in Einschlagweg.

Pipeline network with options

The pipeline network in the road area had to be installed before completion of the street reconstruction in order to avoid a later road breakup. During the short term, however, the definite location of the heating center could not be determined yet. The district heating pipelines had to be planned and installed in a way that supply from all conceivable locations is possible. The project processing was carried out in close cooperation with the pipe supplier, the heat engineers and the builder (Localnet AG).

The heating center is mainly to be operated with wood chips and, if necessary, with gas. The planned network without expansion is designed for a supply power of approx. 2.6 MW. It consists of PU-insulated steel pipes (composite jacket pipes) with a diameter of up to DN 125 mm. The operating temperature has been set to 90 ° C (pre-flow).